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It's hard to get the balance right between dailiness and drama.
Dailiness matters, and it's good to keep up with details.
Another theory has to do with our distance, in all dimensions, from the dailiness of life.
Perhaps what he means to convey by this is the sheer dailiness of his experience.
Elements of dailiness that have still not disappeared from Russian life appear throughout.
Miracles are happening all the time despite the terrible dailiness of life."
Not just the melodrama and tragedy but the dailiness of it."
With rituals of dailiness, time passes, "slow as a wet week."
What the poem lacks is the texture of life, with both its dailiness and oddities.
I am not interested in drama, only in dailiness.
They remain friends, but the dailiness, the closeness that comes when lives intertwine, slips away.
All this is related with a lively, engrossing dailiness.
For a while they lay there, recouping their dailiness, setting up this soft laughter against the horror of the night, close and easy together.
That choice, to depict dailiness, creates technical challenges.
Yet he was not a strict surrealist, being more interestered in the metaphysics of the dailiness.
They remained, when they did occur, distanced, at a remove from the ongoing dailiness of my life.
And he, lying there, though inert, gives back to her in return the dailiness of their lives - that which gives love its openings.
It is as simple as this: dailiness is central to the deep-rooted human illusion of control.
The books that were talked about in schoolyards and on rooftops gave me a need for narrative, for removal from the dailiness of my life.
Maybe it will always hover below the radar of any policy debate, in the dailiness where most of us do for our children what goes without saying.
Or does it lie in the pulse of ordinary life, in a dailiness that looks almost hallucinatory if you venture outside it?
Mr. Hou's camera records, with anthropological interest, life's task-laden dailiness, which continues through dramatic disruptions.
Gradually, one realizes that Naipaul is trying something different, that his interest lies in the dailiness of this late colonial world, not its postimperial crises.
But with harrowing accomplishment, Hector Olivera confronts the grim dailiness of the teen-agers' prison existence.
It's about the routine of dailiness that soothes, but that can also be responsible for desperate, unpremeditated acts of destruction.