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In more darkly coloured skin this may be purple or dark brown.
Members of the genus are typically 15-31 mm long and darkly coloured.
They have slender, darkly coloured bodies and dark wings.
Inside the spathe, the throat may be darkly coloured.
The woman is observed by two intimidating, darkly coloured men huddled in conversation to the right of the frame.
Lizardlike creatures scuttled across the sand that was here more darkly coloured.
Notable features A large antelope, darkly coloured with distinctive black and white head markings.
The small, darkly coloured frogs are generally terrestrial, and never, or infrequently, climb.
The limbs and tail are also darkly coloured.
Individuals of this species also bare nine to thirteen darkly coloured transverse bars on their bodies.
Notably two darkly coloured Paph. callosum strains appeared in the late 60's.
The species is medium-sized and darkly coloured.
Dorsal stripe is also narrower and the top of the head is usually darkly coloured.
Rock Gobies are dull and darkly coloured.
Ripe/darkly coloured fish, particularly hens, are not suitable for eating fresh or for smoking and should be returned.
Zygospores are also darkly coloured, though much larger than sporangiospores with an average diameter of approximately 85 um.
The male specimens appeared to be in spawning condition, as they were very darkly coloured with bright green on the rear edge of their operculum.
• a short, wide mouth with a broad, flat undersurface and 4 pairs of darkly coloured barbels;
Favourite Drink: A darkly coloured conglomerate of Gaelic origin.
Its body is spirally coiled and darkly coloured (due to eel blood inside the nematode's intestine).
The Amani flatwing has a long, extremely slender abdomen, which is darkly coloured with a conspicuous white tip.
B. m. monticola, the nominate subspecies, is rather darkly coloured and present on the British Islands.
Both sexes are glossy and darkly coloured, ranging from blue-black, to black, to brown or dark-plum coloured.
The eastern gorilla is more darkly coloured than the western gorilla, with the mountain gorilla being the darkest of all.