Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The large room they entered was an office, with one wall covered by a complex data retrieval system.
It was, rather, a futuristic data retrieval system.
High-tech data retrieval systems may be efficient.
They're juit here to famthanze us with the data retrieval system.
Another one is splitting data capture systems from data retrieval systems (as done in a data warehouse).
Mostly I don't know, but I can work the data retrieval system for Dr. Doolittle.
Killashandra blessed her foresight in utilizing the sleep-teaching tapes she had copied from the Athena's comprehensive data retrieval system.
You may also check MSHA's Data Retrieval System for information by mine id.
Roughly half of the 102,000 I.R.S. employees have access to taxpayer files through the Integrated Data Retrieval System.
Tests are conducted from the control room, which contains controls for the "pump down" of the vacuum chamber, the experiment vehicle pre-drop checkout, release and the data retrieval system.
The API Subcommittee on Well Data Retrieval Systems was formed in 1962 to standardize well identification numbers.
Data Retrieval Systems (DRS), such as database management systems, are well suitable for the storage and retrieval of structured data.
The PID request and data retrieval system gives access to real time performance data as well as flagged DTCs.
This information is available on MSHA's web site under "MSHA's Data Retrieval System".
SOCRATES (1972), a data retrieval system for receiving quick, meaningful reports from the TOTAL database system.
The only system, capable of downloading commercially available crash data in North America, is Bosch Diagnostic's Crash Data Retrieval System.
What advanced users of various L2s need, by comparison, is ridiculously simple: they need a lexical data retrieval system--is this sophisticated enough to deserve the term lexical database?
Nothing about IDRIS [Integrated Data Retrieval System], which I found in a Treasury Department manual.
In 1995, the API Subcommittee on Well Data Retrieval Systems proposed adding the event sequence code to deal with re-entries, recompletions, and hole deepenings.
The Mine Safety and Health Administration's (MSHA) Data Retrieval System (DRS) is where the Department of Labor provides this sort of information.
Notwithstanding the logistic difficulties of constructing synonym differentiators and collocations dictionaries, particularly the latter, it is now possible for information technology to deliver direct to socalled end-users lexical data retrieval systems of great size, power, and usefulness.
The extent to which employees improperly perused taxpayer files first came to light publicly last August when the I.R.S. said it had investigated 369 employees in its Southeast region that it suspected of misusing its Integrated Data Retrieval System.
In the first year of this project, it is planned to prepare a machine-readable version of all the detailed tax indentures and rolls for subsequent analysis using the data retrieval system known as Personal Data System on the University of Oxford ICL 2988 computer.
Aside from the huge Harrington seal inlaid into the polished hardwood floor, the library managed not to shout that it was part of a consciously designed "great house," and the titles on its shelves and the relatively simple but comfortable furnishings and efficient data retrieval systems made her think of Honor.
In a 205-page report, John Martin, the Inspector General, said the contractor, the Computer Sciences Corporation, a computer services company whose headquarters are in El Segundo, Calif., functioned as a private government within the environmental agency by developing and operating its most sensitive computerized information and data retrieval systems without supervision.