Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
When you open a form in Approach, it is a kind of window into the database files.
This is especially true for database files of all kinds.
Second, and perhaps more important, Approach can also work as a "front end" for existing database files.
The database file has to be saved on a windows network drive.
Forms, scripts, and reports were rolled into the database files.
It keeps a cache of database file pages in its memory.
The content is indexed in a database file, known as Index.
Several operators can simultaneously access or update information in the same database file.
By default, the application would start with a menu asking which database file you wanted to open.
Forms and reports were stored in files external to the database file.
The first is through editing the database file that contains the voting totals.
Each form that you set up within Dataease is a database file.
It implements this simple design by locking the entire database file during writing.
The database files can be copied to another drive for backing up, or other analytic purposes.
Setting a password for the database file is optional.
Gel photographs were scored and directly entered into relational database files.
Shipping needed a complete re-write of their database file.
Strong encryption is supported for both database files and client-server communication.
The employee records were created on Total database files thus giving us the flexibility to link the information into other systems as required.
The inverted file may be the database file itself, rather than its index.
Database files are independent of the operating system, allowing them to be copied between supported platforms.
Check for uncertainties in data, database files etc.
First, if you use Microsoft Entourage, your e-mail is kept in a single, large database file.
Mail messages are now stored in individual files instead of in a single database file.
It has been published as both a series of hardcover books and as an online database file.