Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
These calculations must make assumptions about the date of acquisition.
The results of companies acquired are included from the effective date of acquisition.
The Company recorded $1.4 million in customer relationships on the date of acquisition.
The date of acquisition of the shares remains unchanged.
And might it be worth transferring all shares, regardless of the date of acquisition, or only those held before April 1998?
The date of acquisition of Koudana is not known.
The ultimate significance of the decision lies in how courts apply the majority's general language and what weight they give to the date of acquisition.
Fair values are attributed to the net tangible assets of subsidiaries at the date of acquisition.
The write down reflected the depreciation in Nextel's goodwill since the date of acquisition.
The numbers within the oval denote the date of acquisition (clockwise from left; month, year, day) and item number (bottom).
"Accompanying is a list of my possessions, including the legend (or provenance), date of acquisition and value.
The taxpayer's date of acquisition and cost base for the holding are unchanged, only it's for the new number of shares.
Several sources disagree with the 1852 opening date and the date of acquisition by the Breitbach family.
In the corner of the package was a black ink date stamp, he stamped all his food with the date of acquisition.
Acquired districts include (with dates of acquisition):
The results for the latest quarter and 6 months included Steinberg Inc. from the Aug. 22, 1989 date of acquisition.
The latest first quarter included operations of the Marina Hotel from June 5, 1990, date of acquisition.
The net assets of companies acquired are incorporated in the consolidated accounts at their fair values to the group at the date of acquisition.
When rollover is available the new shareholding is treated as a continuation of the old, with the same cost base and date of acquisition.
Both 1988 and 1987 includes results of Greenwich Mills Company from Dec. 30, 1986, date of acquisition.
In some circumstances, assets and liabilities may be shown at their historical cost, as if there had been no change in value since the date of acquisition.
The company said the latest quarter included operations acquired from Novo Corp. from the date of acquisition in November 1988.
Neither the donor nor the date of acquisition is known, other than it was part of the altarpiece of the chancel in the 19th century.
The latest figures include results of Greenwich Mills Co. from Dec. 30, 1986, the date of acquisition.
In the 1970's, the Ivory Coast museum lost a file card catalogue that listed the origin, date of acquisition and original use of each object.