She took care of Paul's daughter, Carol, after the murder of her insane former daughter in-law.
This led Khomeini to put him under house arrest, imprison his family members and torture his daughter in-laws.
Roberta is eventually murdered by her scheming daughter in-law, Jennifer Burbank.
He also has four children, a daughter in-law, and a grandson.
Grant was hurt when her son died and even more mortified when her daughter in-law moved her grandson out of her house.
He also has a son, Justin, and daughter in-law, Carla.
She demands her daughter in-law Eun Jae to take lessons in cooking and flower arrangement but loves to gamble with her friends during the day.
I am Wira, the Good Magician's daughter in-law.
The father and the mother in-law on the husband's side, for instance, can never address their daughter in-law by her first name.
Marianna offered to take the place of her pregnant daughter in-law and the soldiers agreed.