I heard it was something to do with ancient customs.
To defense the economy of the family they practice martial arts and ancient customs.
"It is an ancient custom here in the highlands," she said.
According to the ancient custom a great gold cup was brought and filled with red wine, to me it looked like blood.
The last one is celebrated according to the ancient custom.
"But then so have many of the more ancient customs and traditions in Japan."
He then forces her to sit on the floor due to an ancient custom that no one's head should be higher than his.
The evacuation meant an end to the community's ancient customs.
A most ancient custom, surely, even you must know of it?
"Do you find honor and duty an ancient custom as well?"
I thought we could change the old ways and make something better.
But now they are back following their old way of life.
In the end he found the old ways were best.
I don't want us to go back to the old way.
He seems to want a return to the old ways.
Both of them were trying to return to their old ways.
We just won't stand for doing anything the same old way.
All he wants to do is turn away from his old ways.
We cannot return to the old ways of doing things.
But who would want to go back to the old ways?