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For some reason they are de rigueur in this sort of place.
Problem is, there's a de rigueur movie feel to it.
And since the 90's, it has practically been de rigueur as a subject for art.
Private coaching has moved quickly from rare to de rigueur.
And its future is so bright, sunglasses are de rigueur.
It was de rigueur, in those days, to avoid marriage at all costs.
Some form of technical innovation has become de rigueur for any new car.
By 1860, black tails had become de rigueur for formal events.
No doubt in a few years similar things will be de rigueur for public collections.
The hair shirt is now de rigueur for those who want to be creatures of their time.
And these days, people seem a little too busy to give all the parties that were once de rigueur on the street.
Was this kind of procedure de rigueur in pharmaceutical research?
For men, a sports jacket and tie are de rigueur.
In London it became de rigueur to have a bridge room at a dinner party.
"I'm overjoyed that what I saw more than 20 years ago is now de rigueur."
But it isn't just right, it's de rigueur in countries like China.
It was once de rigueur for politicians to kiss babies.
When general stores went big, the gliders became de rigueur.
Having two executive assistants is de rigueur for most executives these days.
A stop at one of the many sidewalk food carts is de rigueur.
It has become de rigueur to predict the demise of the American reading public.
They were de rigueur for young ladies at that time, and I hated them.
Must be de rigueur for a Canadian these days.
This created a scandal at a time when patriotism was de rigueur.
A little depression is de rigueur with these things.