Time magazine's Richard Schickel felt that the film, "arrives, however, looking like something that has been kicking around too long in the dead-letter office".
Or if they did, it ended up in a dead-letter office.
A special dead-letter office in Indianapolis was at one time handling 20 such pieces a day.
Without a return address the package would go into the dead-letter office.
Bartleby, to refresh your memory, is the drudge from the dead-letter office who "prefers not to."
One Manhattan couple even discovered that their application had ended up in a dead-letter office in Atlanta.
The mail he reads in a dead-letter office engages a man in a cosmic struggle both barbaric and baroque.
He's been signaling anxious colleagues that the whole issue should be directed toward the ultimate dead-letter office: the House ethics committee.
If Baldwin failed and he, Gilead, died, the tube would eventually come to rest in a dead-letter office and would in time be destroyed.
"If we have done everything we can to get an address and have no luck, it goes to the dead-letter office," Ms. Edwards said.