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At least in part, the play is about the debasement of language.
You can hear them laugh at your debasement, of course.
A new form of debasement was being visited upon us.
It is difficult to believe that debasement of meaning could be carried so far.
But debasement only puts off the inevitable for a short time.
Or if it was an early warning of currency debasement.
But it is also a novel quite simply about debasement."
But he did not long have to endure his dissatisfaction and debasement.
Was there no limit to the debasement that a man must heap upon himself?
Which would mean the debasement of the entire hag-ridden race!
He guesses how much humiliation and debasement each girl can take.
It is at this point that the special connection between politics and the debasement of language becomes clear.
When authority is absolute, one need not add debasement to obedience.
It's yet another blip in the continuing debasement of language.
What is remarkable that the guise turns out not to be a debasement.
Critics argue such programs contribute to the debasement of rhetoric.
But something more poisonous than alcohol drove him to that level of debasement.
Debasement of the currency continued under every Caesar for the next two centuries.
Once she capitulated to him, his debasement of her would know no bounds.
His art is no answer to this culture's propensity for violence and debasement, however, but a reinforcement of them.
Why didn't Ludwig object to such debasement of his wife?
Certainly she could never see humor in a supposed joke that centered on someone's debasement.
This fiasco illustrates the debasement of our country in the European institutions.
It was worth all her waiting, this delicate debasement.
By sacrificing her pride, she could save herself from the debasement of rape.