Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
I can process up to a decad of questions in parallel.
In less than a decad you have found two people of your bloodline.
They should take about two hours, between our sessions, which I'm setting up twice a decad for now, every five days.
Most Anarresti worked five to seven hours a day, with two to four days off each decad.
A decad of armed men was at his back.
He held a decad of small, irregular shapes in his bloody hand.
A decad of small boats were strung out along an anchor line on the still, black water below.
Humanity is the last component to complete the Decad.
Twice it was seen in the past decad.
He will sense something amiss a decad of lioi distant.
The two at the gate were yours; a decad more were mine.
He was there for more than a decad, until he had recovered from his ordeal.
But give 'im another decad and 'e'll be speaking it like a native.
The first group of ten compositions comprises the Decad.
Shevek and Takver wrote each other regularly, about once a decad.
He stopped in front of the Music Syndicate auditorium to read the programs for the decad.
The Decad thus included almost all literary types available in Sumerian.
Most refectories served dessert once or twice a decad.
This evening, less than one decad ago.
It was only a decad of leagues wide here, its deep, swift flow pinched between the mountains.
Thus it is possible that the Decad catalogues had an archival rather than a curricular function.
A decad of servants in various brightly colored liveries trailed behind him.
James finished the decad of the 1930s playing in the Blackbirds Revue.
They're not to start fighting the quit claim for more than a decad, but you can't trust Indigenous Affairs.
Then another, and a decad more.