Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The word problem on ground terms is not decidable.
But in either case, the set A is decidable.
However, there are many interesting special cases that are decidable.
A decision problem which can be solved by an algorithm, such as this example, is called decidable.
A computational problem is thus considered decidable if it can be solved by a computer.
It is unknown whether the problem is decidable for 3 n 6.
A classic example of a decidable decision problem is the set of prime numbers.
Most array subscript calculations then fall within the region of decidable problems.
He also proved that the class of locally free algebras has a decidable theory.
This last corollary shows the existence of decidable problems that are intractable.
The finite binary strings with an even number of 1s is decidable.
The class of decidable sets has numerous closure properties.
However, not all languages recognized by a TM are decidable.
If there were one, then the halting set would be decidable, which is provably false.
Logicians refer to this fact as "2 is decidable".
This was formally defined It is therefore (relatively) decidable for finite programs using our laws.
The rank problem is decidable for finitely generated nilpotent groups.
The field of computational complexity categorizes decidable decision problems by how difficult they are to solve.
If this function is computable then the associated decision problem is decidable.
They also showed a limitation of the model to commands with only one primitive operation to render the problem decidable.
This means that the facts we are assuming are in principle decidable, an so add nothing to the real power of our system.
This problem is decidable if n 2, but remains undecidable for n 7.
So the issue of "acceptability", up to that time mainly concerning theory, finally became experimentally decidable.
It states that is derivable as soon as is, for decidable.
In mathematical logic, various sublanguages of set theory are decidable.