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The mushroom is found in deciduous woods, from late summer to early winter.
It is sometimes found in deciduous woods, such as beech and oak.
Deciduous woods surround the two parking lots and the visitor center.
It usually grows on dead deciduous wood, often ash and hazel.
They occur almost exclusively in oak forest and mixed deciduous woods.
The fairways of the back nine are tight, with dense deciduous woods on either side.
The larvae feed on dead leaves in deciduous woods.
This species may usually be found on the bark of deciduous wood in damp, shaded places.
In the deciduous wood a pheasant uttered its rattling call.
The canal runs through the deciduous woods of the Barnbruch, which provides shade.
The larvae of C. floccosa are associated with rotting deciduous wood.
Their breeding habitat is deciduous woods from southern Canada to Mexico.
The two main types of woods found in the park are coniferous and deciduous woods.
This species is found singly or in small groups under bushes and in deciduous woods.
It is a resident bird of deciduous woods and parkland, with some old trees for nesting.
The habitat consists of deciduous woods and edges.
Earliest is the red trillium, which is found in the rich wet deciduous woods.
Deciduous woods occur occasionally on the end moraines.
Their habitat is coniferous forests, sometimes mixed or deciduous woods, across North America.
However it is planned that in the long term the spruce stock will be reduced in favour of deciduous woods.
Britzelm is infrequent with conifers, preferring deciduous woods, and forests.
Their breeding habitat is open deciduous woods in southern Canada and the eastern United States.
It is an early-flowering plant of moist deciduous woods from central Quebec south to Florida.
A. cokeri inhabits mixed coniferous or deciduous woods and also grows on the ground.
This is a mountain butterfly, found on grassy vegetation in clearings in deciduous woods.