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As a teacher, I can attest to the effects of decision fatigue on my students.
Decision fatigue may also lead to consumers making poor choices with their purchases.
John Tierney doesn’t mention one form of decision fatigue with major consequences.
Mr Obama was referring to the idea of decision fatigue.
You have to make a decision -- increasing decision fatigue.
Like the readers who commented earlier, they make their big decisions in the morning, before decision fatigue sets in.
Do you use any strategies you’d like to share for conserving willpower and avoiding decision fatigue?
Decision fatigue can lead people to avoid decisions entirely, a phenomenon called "Decision avoidance".
Sweet snacks are usually featured at the cash register because many shoppers have decision fatigue by the time they get there.
Decision fatigue can influence irrational impulse purchases at supermarkets.
In the formal approach to decision quality management, specific techniques have been devised to help managers cope with decision fatigue.
Limits his choices to blue and grey suits to forestall decision fatigue (see above)
Her research shows that while decision fatigue does occur, it primarily affects those who believe that willpower runs out quickly.
Decision fatigue can therefore impair self-regulation". "
Decision fatigue helps explain why ordinarily sensible people...can't resist the dealer's offer to rustproof their new car.
Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue?
In decision making and psychology, decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual, after a long session of decision making.
Are the endless decisions of modern life leading to "decision fatigue," depleting our willpower to the point that we end up making increasingly poor, even self-destructive choices?
Jonathan Levav at Stanford University designed experiments showing how decision fatigue can leave a person vulnerable to sales and marketing strategies designed to time the sale.
This sort of decision fatigue can make quarterbacks prone to dubious choices late in the game and C.F.O.’s prone to disastrous dalliances late in the evening.
Combine this finding with "decision fatigue" (studied in relation to judges' rulings), and we arrive that by the end of the day, your brain has been eaten by zombies.
But in terms of depleting their resources, it is a little bit exploitative to try to get them artificially into a state of decision fatigue, so I would not advocate that.
Dean Spears of Princeton University has argued that decision fatigue caused by the constant need to make financial trade-offs is a major factor in trapping people in poverty.
Experiments have shown the interrelationship between decision fatigue and ego depletion, whereby a person's ability for self-control against impulses decreases in the face of decision fatigue.
Decision fatigue is the newest discovery involving a phenomenon called ego depletion, a term coined by the social psychologist Roy F. Baumeister in homage to a Freudian hypothesis.