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And we had already been deeply into these people's lives for years.
Then she held him from her and looked deeply into his eyes.
He did not want to get too deeply into this.
She held the woman's hands, and they were looking deeply into each other's eyes.
We sat down on the bad next to each other, and looked deeply into one another's eyes.
Some members of Congress want to cut deeply into that amount.
He raised his head and looked deeply into her eyes.
He was too deeply into the part to see anything outside the stage.
She has an ability to look very deeply into things that really matter.
He looked deeply into her eyes for a long moment, and then nodded.
When she glanced up, he looked deeply into her eyes.
Looking deeply into Carl's eyes she told him her plan.
"She's really very interested in the way people think who've deeply into the space effort."
Page 39 There's more to it than just looking deeply into someone's eyes, however.
This time, however, he saw more deeply into the strategies.
"I just was really getting deeply into the experience, that's all."
The thing held two without sinking too deeply into the water.
She looked deeply into my eyes, and I got lost in hers'.
It had moved deeply into the far side of the doorway.
"But perhaps it is not always a good idea to dig too deeply into the past."
At the end he leaned forward and looked deeply into each man's eyes.
She was pretty high off the bed and I had to strain to go deeply into her.
There were steps behind it leading deeply into the dark.
Her strange round eyes were open, looking deeply into his.