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"You're not telling us there has been a defalcation, are you?"
If defalcation occurred before the bag was lowered, here would be an explanation."
Defalcation requires a showing of conscious behavior or extreme recklessness.
It said at the time that there was "no indication of theft, embezzlement or defalcation."
But she had had enough of subterfuge and defalcation.
Defalcation only applies when a debtor is acting in a fiduciary capacity.
Many title insurers have their own "defalcation units."
The defalcation occurred, as I have stated.
He charged mismanagement of state government by Democrats, citing Tate's defalcation as evidence.
And while it may not be an actual defalcation, it certainly is an abscondment.
"There has been no indication of theft, embezzlement or defalcation," Pipevine said.
His ambitions required that he extract evidence of malfeasance or defalcation from reluctant, stonewalling opponents.
The classic example of defalcation is when a trustee recklessly invests trust funds and loses the money.
Its pulse keeps going up to 120 under hourly rumors of defalcation int his or that great corporation, railroad, or others.
A title agent who misuses funds intended to be used to close insured transactions is said to be involved in a defalcation.
It was a libel case between two very eminent and powerful financiers, against both of whom charges of considerable defalcation were brought.
Mr Carlyle is a private investigator, running a private inquiry agency concerned mainly with divorce and defalcation.
A defalcation is an amount of funds misappropriated by a person trusted with its charge; also, the act of misappropriation, or an instance thereof.
When the Breslin Treasury Defalcation became public, Gibson was forced to resign.
Groaning, she wrestled with the memory of Kasreyn's defalcation, tried to think of something she might have done to alter the outcome.
Due to the defalcation of a major client which was attempting a speculative corner Kershaw & Co. was forced into bankruptcy.
In an investigation of defalcation, he had made an illegal arrest and had demanded a bill of exchange for the embezzled money from the arrested fraudster.
The defalcation of the revenue of customs occasioned by the bounties and drawbacks, of which a great part are obtained fraudulently, is very great.
The total of our weights was enough to make the lazy horse start to give backward, shuffling his feet as though he hoped no one would notice the defalcation.
He did not take long to rend asunder the network of corruption which resulted in a counter petition against him to the Board accusing him of defalcation.