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Soil loss by erosion on deforested land has been massive.
Now they walked wearily in the blazing sun through a deforested area.
In 1768, drought affected the deforested island, and winter rains did not fall.
In eastern Africa, open habitats such as deforested areas are frequently used for hunting.
An Linh asked as they pushed along the dead, dusty, deforested trail.
They saw it first down a long, deforested hillside, an orange stripe alone, an old valley floor.
Deforested land has been considered as allodial estate by the princes.
Farming used to dominate the community and much of the area was and remains deforested.
The maples take enthusiastically to both the forest fragments and the deforested patches between.
The amount of the Amazon that has been clear-cut is well known, because satellite images can easily spot deforested areas.
Fortunately, the deforested land was suitable for farming.
Not considering the later coca growers exploitation, that will enlarge the deforested area.
It is estimated that beetle kill will leave behind a deforested area the size of Rhode Island.
Central America is one of the most deforested parts of the world, losing 118 acres of trees an hour.
The country is particularly vulnerable to floods and landslides as rainfall runs off its largely deforested mountains.
The stations will work in pairs, one in a deforested area and the other in the rainforest.
Tropical forest trees have shallow roots, he said, and wind gathering speed as it blows across the deforested area easily knocks them down.
Deforested mountains are very prone to landslides.
Rondonia was originally home to over 200,000 km2 of rainforest, but has become one of the most deforested places in the Amazon.
Sill is the Swedish word for herring and rud/ryd means a small deforested area.
El Salvador is the second most deforested country in Latin America after Haiti.
Due to the intensive economic activity the first deforested enclaves on hillsides and on the peaks appeared during this period.
Tree planting is grounded in forest science, and if performed properly can result in the successful regeneration of a deforested area.
She has doled them out to thousands of women, who have planted on acres of deforested East African land, both public and private.
Deforested regions typically incur significant adverse soil erosion and frequently degrade into wasteland.