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In western Alberta it was deposited as a deltaic channel fill.
It is the largest of the northern deltaic lakes of Egypt.
Deltaic and marine sediments are found north of Peace River.
They were dominantly deposited in a deltaic to shallow marine environment.
Its small deltaic system there is dominated by marine processes rather than fluvial ones.
These sandstones are interpreted as being deltaic in origin.
It is located on one of the many deltaic islands spread across southern Bengal.
The remains of plants and animals were rapidly buried by the sediment deposited in the deltaic system.
The depositional environment was probably coastal, deltaic or estuarine in character.
Deposition from the river results in the formation of an individual deltaic lobe that pushes out into the sea.
Opposite the mouth of the Ganges, however, the intervals between these depths are very much extended by deltaic influence.
The strata were deposited in a fluvial and deltaic depositional system.
The monasteries were built on rock cliffs in the deltaic plains of Meteora.
The deltaic plain and dune flats comprise medium, Grey brown sands.
This process of avulsion in deltaic settings is also known as delta switching.
The Stone Creek (upper) member is of probable marine deltaic origin.
The second contiguous geographical region is deltaic alluvial plain.
The channel is bordered by extensive, deltaic mangrove forests.
The area is full of creeks and swamps in the deltaic region of southern Bengal.
The district is a deltaic tract, bordering south on the sea and traversed by many tidal creeks.
Components of deltaic and shallow marine reservoirs are very well preserved in the Book Cliffs.
Another man may have taken his money and gone away but Hamilton set his eyes on the deltaic islands in south Bengal.
This region adjacent to the ridge is covered with thick deltaic soils and few fossils are found except in gravel pits.
They inhabit mainly the costal and deltaic area of Orissa.
Bangladesh consists primarily of low-lying deltaic plains.