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Meanwhile, we in the West are bashing China, unfairly and demagogically, over its exports.
Pollard devotees also demagogically appeal to Jewish sentiment.
First of all, as draftsman for the revision of financial perspectives I am worried and irritated by the demagogically motivated polemic about the Northern Ireland programme.
Mr. Fernandez has rejected all charges of race-baiting, saying it is Mr. Pena Gomez who is playing the race card demagogically.
When Colleen Dewhurst, the president of Equity, likens "Miss Saigon" to a "minstrel show," she is demagogically misrepresenting the role and Mr. Pryce's performance.
The Jewish photographer Steve Bloom wrote that "Martin shows that he has been the victim of a vicious slander campaign by those who use a Jewish identity demagogically...."
The chairman, Bill Thomas of California, worked closely with the senior Democrat, Pete Stark of California, to find places to cut Medicare, an issue that Democrats used demagogically in 1996.
Acheson felt that Vincent, like the China Hands generally, was being unfairly and demagogically maligned for honestly conveying inconvenient facts and tried to intervene with Dulles to save Vincent's career.
Most important, just about all Republicans and most Democrats cast votes for Medicare savings that expose them - fairly or demagogically - to the risk of television spots accusing them of callousness toward the elderly.
Instead, he rather demagogically demanded to know why the law should force him to shoot "a simple-minded soldier boy who deserts, while I must not touch a hair of a wily agitator who induces him to desert."
Madam President, in the textile sector as in many others, harsh reality has overtaken and dispelled the illusions of a World Trade Organization that has been presented, untruthfully and demagogically, as fair and beneficial for all.
In the midst of this, and as the easiest means of making this route viable, issues are being raised (demagogically) relating to the security of energy supply: these are certainly important, and must be considered and resolved, but within a different framework.
That's the issue here, and for Mr. Bush demagogically to recast the deep moral ambiguities of the Vietnam era - ambiguities that Dan Quayle himself suffered along with millions of others - is dismaying from one who advertised healing and harmony in his acceptance speech.
Mr President, I, too, would like to congratulate Mr Rosado Fernandes on his report and would like to add, in connection with the tobacco crop produced in Objective 1 regions - the European Union's poorest regions - that we should not speak demagogically of crop substitution.
In August 2002, as the current Bush administration was already hurrying toward an invasion, Mr. Brzezinski cautioned that war "is too serious a business and too unpredictable in its dynamic consequences - especially in a highly flammable region - to be undertaken because of a personal peeve, demagogically articulated fears or vague factual assertions."
Of course my Group wanted to get further, like the majority of the members of the Council, but I think that we should be satisfied with the agreement that was reached, which was a result of the requirement for unanimity and which is undoubtedly a step forward, especially for those who not long ago were demagogically demanding papers for all.