High-profile coaches are demanding financial security in a league that has made their jobs disposable.
The incident has led to numerous calls and petitions demanding increased security on intercity buses.
"But, after all, one could almost forgive Benson for holding the confession, if he hadn't also demanded security."
Bondholders have begun demanding event risk protection or greater security in the form of asset-backing.
If they don't, people won't treat China as sovereign risk and will demand more security.
"The market doesn't demand security until something bad happens," he said.
General Aoun demanded tight security, officials said, because he has feared for his safety since a plot to assassinate him in 1989.
Progress demands total security, and security can never be total until everybody is sealed out of everything.
"The landlord has the right to demand appropriate financial security," Mr. Roura said.
No opposition politicians, not even social media voices, have demanded more public security or pointed to the lack thereof as potential discouragements to the attacks.