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The connection between plaques and demential illness was discovered by Alois Alzheimer in 1906.
M. Franke showed that a demential disease is likely to occur when the number of senile plaques in the frontal cortex is more than 200/mm.
Part of the street was razed in the 1980s for the needs of the Nicolae Ceaușescu's People Palace demential project.
The demential song "Sheriff of Huddersfield" is about Iron Maiden manager Rod Smallwood's decision to move to Los Angeles and buy a house in the Hollywood Hills.
Their songs are typically interspersed by a rude, coarse humour which lies in stark contrast to their extreme varied and competent musical talent; once the band was considered part of the 'demential' rock underground spawned after the demise of punk and cross-fertilized by situationist dadaism, but they have soared well past above that scene.