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The figure that foreign demographers think likely is 30 million.
Some demographers feel the same result would probably happen in 2000.
Demographers say it may be close to 7 million for 1990.
The 16 percent increase between 1990 and 2000 was about a third the growth expected by some demographers.
But in the long term, if the demographers are right, it will not be enough.
City demographers said the true growth was still higher, possibly to a total of 200,000.
They now account for 13.3 percent, and demographers say that share is growing.
"In the last few years, we've moved a bit closer to the position of other agencies and demographers."
Government demographers estimated that the city's population would reach more than 150,000 by 2010.
But demographers say they have every reason to believe the 1990 figures for single people are the highest ever.
Demographers (people who study human populations) call this a natural population.
That's the theory, at least - unless the demographers get it wrong again.
Demographers spotted some recovery at the start of the 90's.
The demographers worked through the weekend here, feeding population data into computer programs.
Demographers do not have to guess about what will happen as the current generation grows up.
Most demographers agree with him, and some even think the agency is not being optimistic enough.
But demographers and social scientists also use more objective measures.
In that sense, demographers say, the shift is driven by class rather than race.
The state's population will officially hit six million later this month, state demographers announced.
Demographers expect the gap to narrow in the next century, as more men live longer.
The school-age population is expected to be 15 percent by 2020, demographers say.
Demographers and others generally regard that estimate as too high.
All demographers can ever do, he said, is provide an educated glimpse of what the world may look like in the future.
The state's population is 20.8 million, second only to California's, and demographers predict that it will double in 50 years.
But some demographers say the number is closer to 250,000, because many are illegal aliens.