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Then demolition began on the back part of the house.
Then he turned to the only man on his team with any training in demolition.
The result was the total demolition of the work we had so well started.
No record of the old church was made before its demolition.
Demolition work is expected to last up to 12 years.
I came to watch the rest of the demolition,' she said.
Demolition of the old bank building was already under way.
My moment of the year was less an image and more a demolition.
In the end, though, city officials said, there was little they could have done to stop the demolition.
The demolition, expected to take four months, will go on 16 hours a day, five days a week.
Until the ground's demolition in 2007, this was to be the last major building work to take place at the ground.
We're doing the demolition work right now and that will take at least two weeks or more.
See it while you can - demolition is under way.
The play is set in the period leading up to its demolition.
Demolition is at least a year or two away, he added.
But to the demolition people it's work, and they will take it.
After the demolition, about half the wall will remain, he said.
He said the club's demolition could be about four years away.
The budget for the demolition went into the red in early 2000.
Four years later, they fear that its demolition might do the same.
In June 1814 the demolition of the house took place.
At least two demolitions have taken place on the site.
Demolition of the bridge first began on May 28, 2012.
Most of these demolitions took place around the year 2000.
Demolition of the old buildings has yet to take place.