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A small percentage, according to the same rules, had to be given to the denouncers and witnesses.
"So far my denouncers have accused me of everything but murder.
In October 1942 he was discovered by a denouncer.
They arrive: and suddenly find themselves not pleaders for life, but denouncers to death.
About 13,500 people were sentenced as collaborators, denouncers or traitors under these laws.
Many of the denouncers pop up in hotels in Hanoi.
Denouncers are distinguished from informers, who have a more regular, and overtly profitable, relationship with the state.
The standards for judgment seem to come down to the motive of the denouncer (does he or she have something to gain?)
Marion and Louise, the two silent denouncers of his virility, his dark power.
Howells is known to be the father of American realism, and a denouncer of the sentimental novel.
A student committee, the "Denouncers of Professors", kept tabs on them and reported any misbehavior.
And all the worse for the doomed man, that the denouncer was a well-known citizen, his own attached friend, the father of his wife.
He took an independent political position and was a denouncer of injustices, which led him to be persecuted during the Salazar dictatorship.
The anonymous denouncer may have been prejudiced.
The denouncers of wrong are as cold as the organisers of wrong.
Percy is a sardonic newsboy and copyboy for the Denouncer.
The inquisitorial process consisted of a series of hearings, in which both the denouncers and the defendant gave testimony.
The law forbade non-nobles from owning nobility-estates and promised the estate to the denouncer.
The survey investigated the reasons why some critical care nurses were denouncers of the practice, while others were supporters of it.
Unbeknown to his denouncers, his return to Portland was planned as merely a visit, but faced with such opposition, he decided to stay.
By the time the protest burbled up into the mainstream press a couple of weeks later, Mr. Falwell had joined the denouncers.
Labussière had assaulted the denouncer during rehearsal.
The Bloc Québécois, a sovereigntist party at the federal level, is the strongest denouncer of the situation.
This experience did not drive me into the arms of Senator Jesse Helms or other denouncers of state sponsorship of the arts.
The denouncer in a dictatorship and a whistle-blower in a democracy, he went on to write, "are not merely different things; they are opposites.