Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This might explain why two similar looking animals have different dentition.
Such a dentition would have allowed to process relatively tough plants.
Only now these words were coming from someone who had no interest in my pulverized dentition.
This is proven to be correlated with a change in dentition.
He had an overwhelming desire to look one in the mouth and check its dentition.
And I'll tell you, it wouldn't be hard to identify him by his dentition.
One individual bat was recorded to have lived eight years, based on dentition.
A healthy and functional dentition affects the very quality of life.
The eruption of their adult dentition is completed after five months.
"These changes are usually associated with advanced age and bad dentition.
I am pulled into them, lips brought to dentition, live teeth clicking on dead.
You said the party concerned wasn't too bothered about your lack of dentition.
Carefully they took an impression of the child's dentition.
It was larger than the modern African elephant, with more progressive dentition.
A formal terminology is used to describe the different types of dentition.
Its muzzle and dentition show a significant adaptation to this diet.
This is particularly true of its large size and its unique dentition.
Other more detailed differences include dentition and soft ray counts.
The old man's story appeared, however, consistent enough, in spite of his peculiar dentition.
Look at the photo again: study, beneath the happy dentition, the serious self-satisfaction of the moment.
Her smile showed gaps that adult dentition would never have the chance to fill.
The dentition of the aperture is also well developed.
This fish possesses powerful dentition that can cause serious bites.
Members of the genus are known for their unusual behaviour and dentition.
The dentition is small, probably from the female.