Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
That strategy "is a radical and unjustified departure from the requirements of existing Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations," the study said.
Each of the foregoing represents departure from the requirements established pursuant to the evaluation plan in the RFP.
My review of such drafts will be cursory only with the intention of noting significant departures from the requirements of the assignment.
Some departure from the requirements of Rule 5.l(a) is acceptable, provided the description is clear and orderly and all the requisite information is present.
This treatment, as regards the Group's investment properties, may be a departure from the requirements of the Companies Act concerning depreciation of fixed assets.
He felt that the greater the departure from the requirements of the statute, then the harder it would be for the court to reach the required degree of satisfaction.
Where the issue is restricted to a question of law, as was the case here, this is no departure from the requirements of natural justice to hear the respective positions of the parties by way of written submissions. The appellant did not enjoy a right of appeal and no further action will be taken with regard to this appeal.