Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The government of Canada is the depositary for the treaty.
As a result it provides depositary for data that determines system state.
The Department is also the depositary for more than 200 multilateral treaties.
This is similar to the depositary receipts issued in other countries.
Where's the deep depositary for high level waste going to be built and how much is it going to cost?
New Zealand is a depositary to the following environmental treaties:
The company's American depositary receipts closed up 1/8, to 58 1/2.
For example, the function of depositary will be strengthened considerably, and so will risk management.
Reservations, declarations or objections can usually be identified, and where applicable, the depositary.
In international law, a depositary is a government or organization to which a multilateral treaty is entrusted.
The Empire Trust Company served as depositary for the committee.
Robe is stored separately from jewelry in a specially air conditioned depositary.
The treaty would enter into force for successful applicants thirty days after receipt of its instrument by the depositary.
Furthermore, the secretariat also acts as the depositary.
The beach is a depositary, sandy beach, and the waters remain shallow a long way out.
The depositary can appoint sub-custodians to take custody of the assets but will remain ultimately responsible.
If the envelope is deemed inadmissible, it is sent back to the depositary at his own costs.
For information about those treaties for which the UK acts as a depositary, see here.
It also manages a patent depositary for biological material under the Budapest Treaty.
It elects the Government of Japan as depositary.
Teva's depositary receipts added 7 cents to close at $31.23.
Shire's American depositary receipts fell $3.50, or 10 percent, to $31.02.
Trading in American depositary receipts starts today in London.
"The depositary of many of his secrets?"
At an early date the Church here controlled the entire religious life and, as the depositary of all culture, the entire intellectual life.
They are only available in libraries designated as Federal record depositories.
They served as depositories of collected evidence for on-site analysis.
The depositories would pick up several thousand on paper.
On March 26, 1911, the locations of the central depositories for the first 19 states were established, followed the next day by 25 others.
The building was in good preservation, and some of the rooms were used as depositories for corn.
They have usually become the depositories of sediments from the surrounding mountains.
You see, the Library and its adjoining museum went far beyond being mere depositories.
And once they understand that won't happen, depositories are seen as a good solution."
Currently there are two depositories operational in the country.
The trend in libraries is away from being depositories of books and toward providing on-line services.
"Traveling throughout the East almost always on foot, he visited the depositories of books available.
Pledge - Central depositories provide pledging of share and securities.
The people themselves therefore are its only safe depositories.'
Karl Rove reads books from book depositories but rarely has time for the theater.
Two book depositories were built in 1970-1982, but space had once again become a problem in late 1980s.
They also say there is an inherent conflict of interest in having one small state bureaucracy both promote and regulate the depositories.
In recent years museums have been dramatically transformed from passive depositories into dynamic places.
Unique voice records are preserved at the depositories of the phonograph archive.
The room does not, at first whiff, seem radically different from the other rare-book depositories of the buildings.
Belgrade Fair also has commercial space, depositories, and workhouses.
They talk in the news about depositories as if they had something in them."
There are two depositories for gold and silver approved by Comex.
Slugs lay eggs in hiding places, and if these egg depositories are found, destroy them.
But finding trash depositories cannot be the only focus if the city is going to seriously address the mountains of garbage it produces.
Fundamentally, There are two sorts of depositories in India.