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Did the free market do better when power was deregulated in California?
But in his view the public policy response should be to deregulate all phone companies.
He began to deregulate the economy and the nation saw strong economic growth of 9 percent last year.
In the same way, those countries that want to deregulate must be allowed to do so.
The second step - deregulating the system - is under way in some states.
In deregulating its power system, the state seems to have made every mistake possible.
"But we're now at the point where we can deregulate."
Yet only 3,500 to 5,000 apartments out of a million have been deregulated.
One state, California, has deregulated its utilities and eight others plan to do so.
To put an end to inflation means to deregulate the economy, right?
At the time, did people here talk much about deregulating the financial markets as well?
"This time we are going to deregulate to make such investments possible."
The move was another step toward deregulating the long-distance market.
By the end of 1996, 1,350 apartments had been deregulated that way.
"A lot of problems could have been avoided if we had looked at other countries' experience that deregulated before us."
But states that are still deregulating can help remedy the situation.
California's crisis began three years ago when the electricity market was deregulated.
The big uncertainty is whether the industry will deregulate fast enough.
None of these carriers were in the top 100 before the industry was deregulated.
The first is to deregulate completely and make the consumer pay the market price for power.
And by 2002, just three years later, an additional 73,271 apartments were deregulated.
No attempt must be made to deregulate public services, in particular the supply of water.
On 1 January 1998, the telecommunications market will be deregulated.
The only part being deregulated at this point in time is the generation portion.
Both states have deregulated their electricity markets, so they no longer control the price of power.