He also was a producer and many movies derived inspiration from his novels.
He became known from the 1960s underground movement, deriving inspiration from popular culture, pop music and comics.
Though still deriving inspiration from photography, the artist now seems more interested in illusion rather than verisimilitude.
She continues to derive inspiration from nature, while focusing her attention on geometry.
He was among the first artists to derive inspiration from Caravaggio in his bold use of light.
Music is something that everyone can connect with and derive great inspiration from.
He derived inspiration from scientists, poets, writers and freedom fighters of India.
These stories were a clear departure from her earlier work, and proved that childhood was not the only territory from which she derived inspiration.
He derives inspiration from the person who bought him his first boot .
However, many if not most, works by fantasy authors derive ideas and inspiration from real events, making the borders of this approach history.