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Desalting has been in use for more than 30 years.
The desalting is usually the first process in crude oil refining.
The only solution on which we can depend is the desalting of sea water, a process that has been used successfully in many places.
Therefore, a combined desalting and concentration step is performed.
Liquid junction interfaces have been used for on-line desalting in conjunction with mass spectrometry.
SO ocean desalting is moving to the fore when cities need to shore up water supplies - and not just coastal cities.
'Tremendous Interest' Executives at several companies said they had never had so many inquiries from communities interested in exploring desalting.
As President of the Board, Susan has led the effort to operate the Yuma Desalting Plant with a consortium of both Federal and local players.
Large-scale desalting in California would also inevitably face opposition on environmental grounds, since it would require building huge industrial plants along the coast of a state that has increasingly limited coastal development.
There would also have to be "a very clear assurance,' the report said, that water from a foreign source could be imported or that desalting of sea water, an expensive process, could somehow be financed.