Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He is of American descent on both his father and mother's side.
Each family has its own history and line of descent.
Then our front man made the long descent and we lost one.
The descent looked pretty easy, here at the end of the cut.
As to their descent I can give no certain information.
It took about an hour and a half for the descent.
She got up and started to make the final descent.
She could see that from the air as they started the descent.
When the sun began its descent they moved once more.
On the descent four members of the party were killed.
It may include descent time, but not in all cases.
He had not tried to speak during all his descent.
This was the beginning of her descent into the well.
It would take two or three minutes to make an outside descent.
And she saw that the child was not with them in their descent.
So began what he now calls "my descent into a very dark place."
He knew they'd be starting their descent in another five minutes.
That kind of a descent, I tell him, would be nice for a change.
He made the descent, using the line as a check.
They do not seem to run in particular lines of descent, so I am told.
In late afternoon they began the descent of the far side.
The descent took a long time, but it was not particularly difficult.
He followed its descent and knew, without having to look, what it was.
A direct line of descent running from them to me.
The descent to four hundred feet took only a few minutes.