Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
There is no evidence to support the identification of designatable units below the species level.
Justification for considering designatable units below the species level must be provided.
Thus, this criterion cannot be used to differentiate designatable units.
The species is treated as a single designatable unit.
Species that has been assigned to a different designatable unit than previously on the date shown.
Historically, populations in this designatable unit supported a large commercial fishery.
Therefore, no formal basis exists for designatable units at the subspecific level.
This report deals with a single designatable unit, Dendroica kirtlandii.
A key that may assist report writers in the identification of Designatable Units will be made available.
Polar bear conservation in Canada: an ecological basis for identifying designatable units.
There is only one population or designatable unit of sea otters in British Columbia.
Light lines represent subdivision of ecozone into further designatable units based on available genetic information.
Guidelines for recognizing designatable units below species level.
Inherited traits such as morphology, life history and/or behaviour also can be used to support designatable units under this criterion.
Based on genetic differences, spatial separation and different conservation status these populations should be considered as separate designatable units.
This was essentially based on simplifying the approach to identifying designatable units for this species.
Structure and composition of designatable units of lake sturgeon.
However, given the lack of genetic data to compare among populations, it was decided that there is only a single Designatable Unit for this species.
The two populations should be considered distinct designatable units much like benthic-limnetic stickleback species pairs.
However, the resultant recombinant population may be assessed as a separate designatable unit, with the original one considered extinct.
Portions of this designatable unit sustained large commercial fisheries from the early to mid-1900s, during which time there were dramatic declines in landings.
Designatable units The inference drawn from Ihssen et al.
Designatable units Currently, there is no information on population structure within Canada, nor elsewhere throughout its circumpolar range.
In other cases where the designatable unit is certain or threats are known, existing conservation measures are often already in place.
For the purposes of this document, tope in Canada’s Pacific waters are considered as a single designatable unit.