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So why had she never felt more desolate in all her life?
His heart went out to her, she looked so desolate.
He had come to this desolate place for a reason.
The idea of life without him was desolate and dark.
His eyes were desolate, as if something in them had died.
Her house stood at the end of a desolate street.
Then there were no more words, only a desolate sound.
It was a desolate scene in the middle of the city.
The men said the area is usually desolate at this time of year.
It is a very large, desolate land, easy to get lost in.
The state of the population's general health at that time was beyond desolate.
But by the time they made their way to this desolate area, it would be too late.
In the middle of January, however, the place was desolate.
It was not quite so desolate as he had first believed.
Such things were not to be found on that desolate beach.
He is finally at the top, successful - and desolate.
We lived in a desolate place, I can't say where.
If everyone spoke the same language what a desolate place the world would be.
Perhaps they suspected no one would ever come to a place so high and desolate.
Desolate, his face was; such a look as I hope never to see another man wear.
I think she may have been surprised by how desolate it looks.
Before leaving we went in a body over the house, which looked desolate indeed.
But at the same time it made the shoot desolate.
Why had he climbed up to this high, desolate place?
Here, for the first time, was something not desolate and ruined.