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Like a bulldog it refuses to let go, even when savagely attacked by the desperate victim.
The bulging shopping baskets reflect the rush to meet the needs of desperate victims and the fact that other people's money is easy to spend.
That seemed to conjure up the unlikely situation of a desperate victim, trapped in a trunk, but using two handy cellphones to call for help.
They are pitied as desperate victims or romanticized as patriots who strike back against Israeli tanks with their only weapons, their own bodies.
"One of his most desperate victims fought back-bit his throat, tore open his carotid artery.
His virtuous opponent de Beaumanoir challenges him after receiving desperate victims of his brutality into Josselin.
The Hunger March is a reminder that if the world's need and distress is not relieved, the desperate victims will some day be knocking on our door.
This president was seeking not only to comfort, but also to reverse the impression that the federal government had failed in its response to Hurricane Katrina's most desperate victims.
Mr. Fierstein forgives her a little later in another beautifully written speech cataloguing his forlorn momentos from the international circuit of clinics and quacks for desperate victims of terminal disease.
Arthur Andersen L.L.P., the proud accounting firm nearly a century old, finds itself surrounded by angry and desperate victims of the collapse of the Enron Corporation, whose deeply flawed books it audited.
In the early months of renewed fighting, the most desperate victims were the refugees uprooted from the highlands and forced to flee, often for weeks on foot, to the twin coastal cities of Lobito and Benguela.
And that was before a grieving mother named Cindy Sheehan put an unexpectedly galvanizing human face on criticism of the war in Iraq, before the hurricane's desperate victims shined a similar spotlight on the government's failings.
With the stranded still being brought out of New Orleans on stretchers and by air, bus and train, the president acknowledged again yesterday that his administration had failed to help many of the hurricane's most desperate victims promptly and promised to resurrect New Orleans and devastated coastal areas of several states.