Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Will we follow in the path of other great nations that have destructed from within?
Just a simple device that will destruct after a single operation.
"But I also don't want to be a party to things that destruct baseball."
Most of these historic buildings destructed and need to be restored.
"Your signal must have ended with a command to destruct!"
Riley tried to put a positive spin on the way this season destructed.
The boys are sinning by the second and the island is being destructed.
"But it is also fragile, prone to destruct on key matters of fact."
Now we have a clearer image of the boys' war to destruct things and the theme is emerging already.
When the hardened glass is destructed there are safe splittings.
Many of the torpedoes were set to destruct after one hit, so real intelligence would be wasted on them.
If we haven't found and freed the Prince in that time, the cube will destruct.
At that point, it destructed without apparent reason.
The original building was destructed and replaced with the current two-story building in 2000.
The spell self destructed, never to be used twice."
But one look at the bridge computer told him the datacore had already been destructed.
It may be liable to destruct, but it is a prize worth fighting for.
The target through which the "bullet" passes is set to destruct using a squib.
This is proven not least by the mission order that the target should be to destruct the city and the adjacent railway system.
"The volcano has perhaps four minutes to destruct.
But the young lovers defend the Snake and destruct the Sage's plan.
It was destructed in the Cultural Revolution but has since been rebuilt according to old photos.
If I am missed and cannot explain to Honcho he will destruct me.
He lasted two laps before his motor destructed.
From the fortress came premature reaction, missiles that then destructed as their launchers heard her words.