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A number of detention basins have also been constructed in conjunction with the development.
The canal doubles as a storm water detention basin and a historic park.
If you want to store water for longer, you can use ponds instead of detention basins.
A large detention basin stores water during storms, reducing the creek's flood risk.
Flood regulation systems like detention basins and water reservoirs are almost all outside the city area.
As a result, developers are deciding to build in areas not yet protected by detention basins or other control measures.
Flood bypasses are typically used only during major floods and act in a similar nature to a detention basin.
Detention basins let run-off spread across a wide floor area and only fill after heavy rainfall, when they will hold large volumes of water.
This storage pipe is located under the detention basin in Boeing Creek Park.
That detention basin is a model for controlling stormwater runoff, Mr. Keane said.
The detention basin is augmented by an underground storage pipe designed to temporarily store up to 500,000 gallons of wastewater during large storms.
After considerable debate, the city built an enormous detention basin upstream of Fourth and Green streets, at a cost of approximately $22 million.
At some sites infiltration basins have worked effectively where the installation also includes an extended detention basin as a pretreatment stage, to remove sediment.
Detention basins, ponds and wetlands in sustainable drainage systems (SUDS)
The City of Shoreline is planning on improving the drainage and reducing downstream erosion by building a detention basin and replacing the pipe.
The culvert at Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road was widened and the upstream detention basin completed in September, 2011.
On June 9, 2009, the City of Memphis, Tennessee decided it would not proceed with the plan for a detention basin in the Greensward.
Primary clarifiers must also be enlarged to treat average flows, although primary treatment of peak flows may be accomplished in detention basins.
Work on the project to construct the Urrbrae detention basin that would store the excess water commenced in June 1996 and finished in December 1996.
Flood detention systems combine the use of detention basins, detention dams, and channels in order efficiently collect and regulate the runoff.
Drainage control systems, including multiple dams, irrigation canals and flood detention basins, have been implemented, but are inadequate to prevent flood damage, especially to rural areas.
Today, that runoff flows into a shallow bog known as a detention basin, about 180 feet long and 75 feet wide, which the town of Carmel built last year.
Sometimes called a wet pond or wet detention basin, it is an artificial lake with vegetation around the perimeter, and includes a permanent pool of water in its design.
In its basic form, a detention basin is used to manage water quantity while having a limited effectiveness in protecting water quality, unless it includes a permanent pool feature.
Detention basins are storm water best management practices (BMPs) that provide general flood protection and can also control extreme floods such as a 1 in 100-year storm event.