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He developed a skill for music at a very early age.
Maybe after everybody dying around me, I've just developed a skill for losing people.
Few other items are used on a regular basis by as many people who have developed a skill set around it.
If all a teacher's for is to develop a skill, why, you're a darn good one.
Each person had developed a skill that enhanced the lives of the other villagers.
As we have said, you can only develop a skill by practising it.
"You develop a skill for handling each cake," she said.
The student is encouraged to learn or develop a skill, complete an exercise and assist the community.
Around this time she developed a skill in fencing.
Or raise children who develop a skills base, marry, and then have children.
The artist began as a bookbinder, developing a skill he had learned in England.
A week or two of vacation time could be spent taking a course to develop a skill or to serve as a volunteer, he suggested.
He developed a skill set that included dancing, singing, and playing the piano and guitar.
The puny boy developed a skill at impersonating his teachers to ingratiate himself with bigger boys.
They rapidly developed a skill in dealing with them that made it a point of dishonour that even one should get away.
The inhabitants of Bonaparte have developed a skill that most other rural towns lack: they know how to fill out applications.
As a way to develop a skill other than farming during the seven years he spent toiling in the fields, Lei started drawing.
I've developed a skill that's different.
He started only 11 games at running back but he developed a skill as a demon special-teams tackler.
In later years she developed a skill in water colour paintings of scenery and orchid flowers.
If you are interested m developing a skill-" "Thank you.
He had developed a skill in climbing trees to find nests, and creeping into houses to find cradles.
It views writing essays not as a series of isolated events but as the dynamic process of developing a skill.
We help them develop a skill set like learning how to prune and how to tackle things in bite-size chunks."
To study these poems Uttangi developed a skill of reading and interpreting the ancient manuscripts preserved on palm leaves.
And they've acquired a skill they can be proud of.
The time spent in acquiring a skill will obviously vary for each student.
"Eventually that law is going to change, so get your foot in the door and acquire a skill the United States needs."
It was not difficult to see that he had acquired a skill in grasping the submerged logs.
Someone who acquires a skill or craft under the tutelage of a master.
He has acquired a skill at tape-learning: his concentration is much more skilled than the student's.
He is portrayed as an inept "hunter" rather than a man who knows how to acquire a skill.
In all my time in Africa I never thought of acquiring a skill or profession."
As they recognize their incompetence, they consciously acquire a skill, then consciously use it.
Although ladylike refinement hasn't ever come naturally, I have never ceased trying to acquire a skill set that would reflect my mother's early hopes.
Heads and staff in their turn are having to acquire a skill new to many of them: the skill of working with their governors.
Acquire a skill you're much too old for (surfing, horse-riding, DJing)
I can tell, by the dialects, which part of Ireland the shoppers hail from; I have wilfully acquired a skill for accents.
But with integration and the elimination of the draft, many young black men were left without a motivating force to stay in school or the means to acquire a skill.
You study modeling and finishing so that you acquire a skill that is suited for you and the life you lead, and your mind is free to think about other things.
Girls were sometimes called apprentices, more often simply "learners" : indicating that they were not really acquiring a skill, just "learning on the job", which was the standard training for most semi-skilled occupations.
"Among my fellow students, I'm slightly atypical in that I want to work at a bank in order to acquire a skill set that I need to start my own business later on.
Continuing education and technical programs - AEC: An attestation of college studies (AEC) serves to reorient one's career or quickly acquire a skill set applicable in the job market.
The resources from the EGF fund only those measures which smooth the way to a new job for people who have been made redundant, who have signed up to the professional training programmes and acquired a skill answering to the needs of the labour market, or who have become self-employed.
You have to start at the bottom learn a skill and then work your way to the top.
You can learn a skill and get credit for it.
We believe in their learning a skill so they can be more accepted by general society.
She'd been about to say that women who came to the mission must learn a skill and move on with their lives.
They do not wish to take the time to learn a skill."
I had to be good at high wire and learn a skill so there was a lot of pressure in that sense.
Or for those who want to learn a skill, the city would make certain that training was provided, along with a job afterward.
Because my life would be dedicated to learn a skill that was valuable in only one industry.
"If you're going to learn a skill, why not use the best instruments to teach it?"
And the women could learn a skill that might get them off welfare."
Learning a skill is in fact a fairly subconscious process.
You go to school to learn a skill or profession so as to be a contributing member of society.
I was learning a skill which would buy my way out, I used it right.
He needed to learn a skill like that, where being lame wouldn't matter.
This summer, you could send your kids to a video editing camp where they would learn a skill for life.
Fewer people learn a skill, and it just dies out."
And in between, he'd joined a gang and learned a skill.
Learn a skill, clean yourself get off the bottle and get a job.
Five years is enough time to finish a high school degree or learn a skill through vocational training."
It is astonishing that educated people such as teachers would think learning a skill does not require intelligence.
Once your hero has learned a skill it's impossible to remove it and its effect is permanent.
Does this ring a bell in any of the rest of you, that learned a skill.
Learning, especially implicitly learning a skill, can take place outside of consciousness.
But when even a good many of your artisans are slaves, where's the prod for a white man to learn a skill?
Women and men typically learned a skill in their youth - and stuck with it for life.