Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Perhaps, however, we should focus on a more social development model?
It is time that we made room for another economic development model.
We need to take action now to create the conditions in which a new research and development model can meet those needs.
Is this a development model we should sell to the developing world?
These are usually much like those in other software development models.
All that said, the Chinese development model is running out of steam.
After the change of the development model with 2.6.
Oil is at the heart of this development model.
Here, the Union has a positive contribution to make by promoting its development model at international level.
The report makes clear that government policy should "mandate technology choice, not software development models."
It also had a development model familiar to millions of Web developers.
Our development model is out of date and will be ineffective if we do not remedy it.
It also looks at the environmental impact of the development model which we in the West have also followed.
The people's awareness needs to demand the set of values required by the sustainable development model.
Along with assessment, challenge and support, leadership context are important aspects of the leader development model.
In early development models, the balance board was a simple scale with one load cell.
One can dream... This would make a good study in development models.
Take steps to end environmental destruction and the greenhouse effect using alternative development models.
Our Planet is also pioneering a new development model.
By pushing their alternative development model, such states effectively price responsible aid programs out of the market exactly where they are needed most.
The more inclusive development model has succeeded in boosting involvement.
The sample below is common among organizations employing the Waterfall development model.
The social development model: A theory of antisocial behavior.
The company claims this process reduces the need for development models and prototype manufacture.
As you can probably guess from the name, the source is available and the product is intended to go forward using a community development model.