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You know very well why we are in your devilish country.
They were devilish near the line at the last election.
There was a devilish look on her face as she said that.
Yes, this is devilish, but then again I work for him.
Just like this devilish old woman to call the attention of the world to his eye.
But we, who are strong, have no need of such devilish devices.
The girl was alone and devilish thoughts were playing on his mind.
Now watch the mothers come back out to face a devilish Catch-22.
"Something devilish is happening over there, and the old man seems to need help bad."
For a moment, he looked like his old, devilish self.
And this is only one phase of the devilish campaign.
You might not think so, but he is the most devilish creature.
He smiled a devilish smile far more like his own.
That's the reason why they are in such a devilish hurry.
Every sense is an instrument of the most devilish pain.
It's devilish hard to collect any real information about that area.
"And then he went through with the whole devilish plan.
"I take it you've already done a devilish sight too much."
It had been devilish hot; she remembered that well enough.
Norma looked over to me and got a devilish look in her eyes.
"My wolves were hours behind me, but we've lost a devilish lot of time."
Today we would say that this devilish boy has abandonment issues.
The problem is that this combination can be devilish to keep clean.
But a devilish thought came to him, and he couldn't help it.
I'd ask, to be devilish, though only once in a great while, so as not to spoil the effect.