Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Never in her whole life had there been a moment so devoid of reason.
He felt devoid of the ability to help his friends.
So I remained devoid of the game through high school and college.
Devoid of people but for himself, the room was quiet and still.
It's not as if these elements are devoid of interest.
He was looking at me, his face devoid of expression.
Why was the entire area so devoid of human activity?
But that does not mean the process is devoid of red tape.
The study said human interest stories were not necessarily devoid of news.
Taken early in the day, the photographs are devoid of people.
We were thus in a region that was devoid of stars.
The land around them was open and flat, devoid of any cover.
But I soon found that they were not devoid of resource.
Like all the others, it was devoid of any human presence.
His voice was for the first time devoid of irony.
Which one was more devoid of humanity, I did not know.
Her life had been devoid of personal contacts, and she needed them.
Only those people devoid of feelings will still ask for evidence.
His voice was empty when he said it, devoid of anything.
Through a room devoid of guests, they came to an open door.
And now, here we are, sitting around the table, relatively devoid of class.
She would never be completely devoid of street sense, no matter her station in life.
Her life was devoid of purpose because she herself had made it that way.
Her room was very much like his, small and almost devoid of decoration.
Now, my friends, why do I say he is devoid of these possessions?