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He was known for his goodness, devoutness, and love of the poor.
She is a natural religious leader, with a strong, confident voice and devoutness written on her face.
And a thousand years of such devoutness would mean untold wealth.
When does devoutness become obsession, blotting out every other consideration?
The nuns devoutness sometimes annoyed him, but he did find solace in religion.
She was a devout Catholic, instilling this devoutness into both her sons.
Devoutness seems to have drawn the old satiric sting.
It celebrates the innocence, devoutness, and motherliness of the poet's dead mother.
A common critique is that devoutness is easy to fake, such as simply by attending a religious service.
I answered somewhat stiffly that her devoutness had first attracted me to her.
Their mercenary attitude had the quality of devoutness.
During the set, hip-shaking easily overshadowed devoutness, in songs that found a dozen different ways to make dancing irresistible.
For vegetarians, just say you're fasting every time you order - they'll be impressed at your devoutness, and you'll be stuffed!
The story of Canute's death at the altar and his well-known devoutness quickly caught the popular imagination.
Anyone seeing him would have called him a model of devoutness, assuming his inner vision to be fixed upon the gods and their wisdom.
O what devoutness of prayer!
Something of the devoutness of the Guru's nature comes to a climax in the concluding verse:
La devoutness marks the character of the festivals of this county as in most of the Colombian people.
Many prayers were said after 9/11, but more than a few were said before it happened, by men whose devoutness, at least, could not be questioned.
Alec had told her before of Ted's devoutness, his interest in the Ah Tran movement.
There is not any apparent plot in the play, this is rather a work in praise of religious devoutness and fortitude.
So, too, does the devoutness of non-Christian nations like India, Indonesia and Iran.
Deyreth is worthy of your respect, a man of great devoutness, confirmed in the truth of his beliefs.
If we look upon our progress in religion as a progress only in outward observances and forms, our devoutness will soon come to an end.
Jordanus of Quedlinburg was a 14th-century preacher and monk wrote texts about contemporary devoutness.