Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She is diabetic and in a poor state of health.
Between 60 and 80 percent of diabetic people have Type 2.
One of them cannot join the army because he is diabetic.
Several times this season before games, he has met with diabetic children who have asked to meet him.
And I knew my chances were one in four of having another diabetic child.
Jackson's father was diabetic, but he never thought it would happen to him.
What about people like me, whose diabetic relatives are long gone?
About 14 million people are thought to be diabetic nationwide.
Butter has nothing to do with being type 2 diabetic.
From his blood sugar levels, I see he is diabetic.
A 15-year-old diabetic girl on her way to a movie was arrested.
As a result, he went into diabetic shock and died at age 50.
And she was short for her age, a common condition in diabetic children whose disease is out of control.
My diabetic specialist said that I was not to return to work.
He has lost one kidney to cancer and is diabetic.
Such as the response of those who discover that I am diabetic.
In 1992 he nearly died after going into a diabetic coma.
A 40-year-old woman has been brought in with diabetic coma.
He also has given free care to at-risk diabetic patients.
Robert is diabetic and spent several months in the hospital before dropping out of high school last year.
No practice audits of diabetic care were under way during the study.
In 2008, after a long campaign, he found a company willing to support his work on a managed care system for diabetic patients.
It is basically the same as in type-1 diabetic humans.
Later that night, Michael is sent to the hospital with a diabetic stroke.
However, two people received medical treatment; one person needed oxygen and the other was diabetic.