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I'll have to do the diagnosing but whenever possible you can carry on from there."
The breast biopsy is usually the test used to confirm the suspected diagnosing.
The alder was thought to have power of divination, especially in the diagnosing of diseases.
Gender-biased diagnosing is a controversial sociological observation which asserts that medical and psychological diagnosis may be influenced by the gender of the patient.
A pathologist is a scientist or medical doctor who specialises in pathology, which is the diagnosing of disease using organs, tissue, and body fluids.
He estimated that he had spent more than $100,000 diagnosing and eradicating the mold problem and returning his basement to its original condition.
For in depth information, see WebMD's Diagnosing Osteoporosis.
"Diagnosing Christopher's Case: Smart's Readers and the Authority of Pentecost."
American Family Physician: "Diagnosing Secondary Hypertension."
WebMD Feature: "Diagnosing Fibromyalgia."
Karcioglu ZA: Diagnosing Tennessee: Diseases of Williams.
Read Full Article Diagnosing Fibromyalgia: Common Misdiagnoses Jackie Yencha hit the wall at age 22.
Smith, E. C. (2011) Gender-biased Diagnosing, the Consequences of Psychosomatic Misdiagnosis and 'Doing Credibility'.
SEN diagnosing is deeply flawed along with the Mental Health Act 2007, the DSM and ICD.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to visualize the internal structure of the body used in the diagnosing of myelomalacia.
The diagnosing of bladder cancer can also be done with a Cysview guided fluorescence cystoscopy (blue light cystoscopy, Photodynamic diagnosis), as an adjunct to conventional white-light cystoscopy.
International Hyperhidrosis Society: "Understanding Hyperhidrosis," "Preparing for Your Doctor's Appointment," "Diagnosing Hyperhidrosis."
For a great example of undisguised research, see the Rosenhan experiment in which several researchers seek admission to twelve different mental hospitals to observe patient-staff interactions and patient diagnosing and releasing procedures.
The transaminase enzymes are important in the production of various amino acids, and measuring the concentrations of various transaminases in the blood is important in the diagnosing and tracking many diseases.
Upper Endoscopy for Diagnosing Heartburn and Reflux WebMD explains how an upper endoscopy is conducted to help determine the extent of digestive problems like heartburn and acid reflux.
This - and the actions of similar bodies - have made strides in developing structures that assist players in finding work after retirement, but they have not matched this when it comes to the diagnosing, treating and preventing players' psychological problems.
It is important to understand the implications targeted treatments can have on not only the individuals with FXS, but also the clinicians and parents in close contact with these individuals, resulting in early diagnosing and screening matched with optimal targeted interventions.
Codependent No More was preceded by professional literature like Timmen Cermak's Diagnosing and Treating Co-Dependence, but Beattie's book was the first "big book", on the subject, and paved the way for a new Twelve-step take-off program, called Co-Dependents Anonymous.
Read Full Article A New Way of Diagnosing Fibromyalgia May 26, 2010 - A new way of diagnosing fibromyalgia, by using a pain index and a measure of key symptoms and severity, may lead to more diagnoses and treatment, a new study says.