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"Kümmell's point": A diagnostical point of appendicitis.
It is used for the diagnostical indole test, to determine the ability of the organism to split indole from the amino acid tryptophan.
The company focuses on the business areas of gynaecology and andrology, oncology, and also special therapeutics, diagnostical devices, and nuclear medicine.
Today the University possesses modern educational buildings, clinics and departments, institutes and faculties supplied with modern diagnostical and medical equipment for training high-qualified specialists.
Other diagnostical tools are duplex ultrasonography, computed tomography angiography (CTA), and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).
"Diagnostical research can be very useful for understanding what the problem is with a product, but it can never tell you what people are going to do in the real world," said Mr. Weinblatt.
In most medical contexts, the term diabetic coma refers to the diagnostical dilemma posed when a physician is confronted with an unconscious patient about whom nothing is known except that he has diabetes.
It is a complete and modern service that supports admitted patients through specialized evaluations, diagnostical and therapeutical respiratory endoscopy, pulmonary effort exams, surgical risk assessment, smoking treatment and Sleep disorder laboratory.