Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But think of a diagrammatical pattern, written for any knitting machine type.
A diagrammatical sketch representing the house I am born from is attached.
All three patterns, the written, diagrammatical and the digital, are knitting the same shape, a rectangle.
Jensen's colorful, intricately diagrammatical canvases play well off Smith's austere shapes and somber blacks.
Adrian Martin emphasises Kiarostami's direct perception of the world, and is identifying his cinema as being "diagrammatical."
The Thomsen diagrammatical technique is not based on angular defined dimensions, and is thus able to represent any number of dimensions.
(2011), "Diagrammatical Reasoning and Peircean Logic Representation".
'Synod Diagram', Lutheran Church of Australia Archives (Good diagrammatical representation.
Guidelines for experimental evaluation of representation fidelity in diagrammatical conceptual modeling techniques, Elsevier, Data & Knowledge Engineering 55 (2005) pp.
Lorhard was influenced by Peter Ramus (1515 - 1572), who set about transforming dialectical reasoning into a single method of pedagogical logic supplemented by diagrammatical tools.
While the location of Edgehill's battlefield has long been considered secure, the exact positions for the armies' initial deployment lines have regularly been debated, with several diagrammatical variations published by studies since the late 19th century.
Critics such as Adrian Martin have called the style of filmmaking in the Koker trilogy as "diagrammatical", linking the zig-zagging patterns in the landscape and the geometry of forces of life and the world.
For those used to working from diagrammatical patterns, FORMAT E, the MINIATURE OUTLINE with Japanese notation is a good choice for garments that do not have any special stitch pattern details.