Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Then the phone went dead and the dial tone came on.
And when he finally did, there was no dial tone.
"The light still comes on even if there is no dial tone."
She'd pick up the phone and talk to the dial tone.
"The one on the night table has no dial tone."
They continued to have a dial tone and could make calls within their community.
The dial tone came from a third number in Denver.
When the box is on, you will not get a dial tone and thus cannot make calls.
The assistant she talked to was probably a dial tone.
He picked it up and got a standard dial tone.
But when she picked it up there was no dial tone.
There was a click, and then the dial tone cut in.
Picking up the phone, she made sure there was a dial tone.
He listened to the dial tone for nearly a full minute.
She got the dial tone again and phoned the office.
She seemed to recall that there had been no dial tone.
Suddenly, he heard the phone click off, followed by the dial tone.
I sat there still holding the phone listening to the dial tone.
The line clicked, and Jack heard only the dial tone.
He picked up the receiver and heard the dial tone.
What will be possible when "video dial tone" is widely available in every American home?
You should be able to feel the dial tone burr.
A dial tone replaced the voice he had come to both love and hate.
This far underground, her cell phone had no dial tone.
I lifted the phone receiver and got a dial tone.
Then the line went dead and I heard the dialling tone.
I picked it up anyway, but heard only the dialling tone.
He heard the dialling tone and stabbed the 9 button three times.
Then the receiver rests went down and up again to get a new dialling tone.
She could hardly hear the dialling tone above the noisy traffic.
Instead of a dialling tone he heard a vigorous businesslike voice.
He picked up the phone, silent relief at hearing a dialling tone.
She grabbed the phone beside her bed, and was grateful to hear the dialling tone.
Lifted the receiver, listened to the dialling tone, put it down again.
Then the dialling tone as the caller hung up.
The two phones on the desk had dialling tones.
He grinned when he picked up the phone to check the dialling tone.
As she opened her mouth to repeat herself, the receiver emitted the dialling tone.
There was no dialling tone; the handset was dead in her.
The connection was broken and the burr of the dialling tone echoed in her ears.
I love you...' she called, before there was a click and the dialling tone came back on the empty line.
There was a click, then the dialling tone.
He took the receiver firmly out of her hand, listened for the dialling tone and dialled the second number.
She jiggled the receiver and realised that there was no dialling tone.
Rebus realised he was talking to the dialling tone.
The line went dead and the dialling tone trilled loudly out of the speaker a few seconds later.
No dialling tone, just a total silence.
He dialled the number again but this time there was no dialling tone - only silence stretching through the air-waves.
There was the clack of a broken connection and the hum of the dialling tone.
Modern UK dialling tone is also 350 plus 440 Hz.