Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Your family and loved ones feel you should continue dialysis treatment.
You may become dependent on others to help with your dialysis treatment.
Dialysis treatment allows you to return to your normal activities.
The time you have left is your own to spend with friends and family, not on dialysis treatments.
More control over the dialysis treatment schedule and greater life satisfaction.
Give you more time each day to spend with friends and family instead of going to regular dialysis treatments.
I don't want to keep relying on others for help with my dialysis treatments.
Dialysis treatment at home was the only alternative and managed to extend her life another four years.
She has been receiving dialysis treatment because of kidney failure.
Some organizations and companies can help arrange for dialysis treatment overseas.
Making matters even more difficult were his extensive dialysis treatments.
The cause was complications from dialysis treatments, his son Barry said.
I want to receive dialysis treatment that sustains my life.
What is the average length of each dialysis treatment?
Damon's father, James, needs dialysis treatments three times a week and does not travel much.
In addition, his dialysis treatments are exhausting and make travel hard.
Patients often need dialysis treatments several times a week.
Without a transplant, doctors said he was bound for dialysis treatments.
Medicare's unit of payment is one composite rate per dialysis treatment.
In December 2005, she started dialysis treatment when her kidneys began to fail.
The nurse explained that he had just had a dialysis treatment.
After you are trained, you do your dialysis treatments at home.
Kidney dialysis treatment provides another data point to suggest that estimate is fair.
His remaining kidney does not work very well and he has to receive dialysis treatments several times each week.
He is also believed to have undergone dialysis treatment, presumably for kidney problems.