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She smiled and took a sip from a diet soda.
Jess opened the refrigerator and pulled out a diet soda.
I grabbed a diet soda before leaving and had one sore foot outside the door when the phone rang.
She had asked for a diet soda, but the sugary kind was all her doctor had.
I can break out a piece of gum, or grab a diet soda, and keep plowing on for hours.
Kathleen hasn't had a diet soda in two weeks: "I'm reaching for them less."
He twisted the cap off a diet soda.
"No, no, just a diet soda if you have it," Harry answered.
While she popped open a diet soda.
Marci, who never ate where anyone could see her, was lunching solely on a diet soda.
He asked for a diet soda.
"A diet soda would be fine," Jess answered.
He patted his flat stomach, then went downstairs and had a diet soda with Biff, the travel agent.
A room-service call brought a diet soda, cranberry juice and coffee within minutes, accompanied by a plate of cookies.
He tramps from his green cement-block office toward the players' lounge, ostensibly to fetch a diet soda.
He found a diet soda in the refrigerator and sat at the table trying to decide whether to wake his father or to postpone the inevitable.
Elaine was drinking a diet soda.
"Yes, a diet soda would be nice.
Interesting experiment: try floating a diet soda and a soda containing sugar in a bowl of water.
If she had thought, she could have packed her own lunch instead of having to make do with peanut butter crackers and a diet soda.
"Can I have a diet soda?"
He ordered the angel's hair pasta with shrimp, a salad with vinaigrette dressing and a diet soda.
There is also a diet soda version called Diet Materva.
Inside, Phil removed his coat, poured a drink from our bar and searched out a diet soda from the refrigerator for me.
'Do you have a diet soda of any kind?'