Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Until the 1980s, no public digital communications system was available in China.
The world has actually been wired together by digital communications systems for a century and a half.
The contract would provide for the creation of a digital communication system with more than 20,000 phone lines at 16 locations in Washington.
The telegraph system is the first fully digital communication system.
Synchronization is one of the most important techniques in the digital communication systems nowadays.
Professor Prabhu specializes in teaching and researching digital communication systems.
As with all digital communications systems, the chief advantage is that the signal is translated into numbers.
Almost all modern businesses rely on digital communications systems, such as broadband and mobile phones.
Examples include the internet, telephone, cellular mobile system, and the many digital communication systems being built on these technologies.
Like any other digital communications system that uses analog media, packet radio systems require a modem.
For this reason, it is a standard baseline algorithm for various digital communications systems.
As is common to all digital communication systems, the design of both the modulator and demodulator must be done simultaneously.
This guide will help you find out about existing digital communications systems in the European Economic Area.
Block II includes upgrades to the digital communications systems.
Channel coding is referred to the processes done in both transmitter and receiver of a digital communications system.
The nationwide digital communication system C2000 is used for communications between the various emergency services and the policy teams and coordination centres.
There are analog communication systems and digital communication systems.
Translation does not suffer from a dimensionality effect and has been successfully used in several applications relating to simulation of digital communication systems.
These include clearer flat-panel displays, larger computer memories, silicon chips that consume less power, and digital communications systems.
People usually plot the BER curves to describe the functionality of a digital communication system.
CQUPT is the origin of the China's digital communications systems.
With the advent of digital communications systems, it is no longer possible to adequately test these systems with traditional analog signal generators.
As the first class of linear codes developed for error correction purpose, the Hamming codes has been widely used in digital communication systems.
Big Data is generally defined as the rapid accumulation and compiling of massive amounts of information that is being exchanged over digital communication systems.
The water-pouring algorithm is a technique used in digital communications systems for allocating power among different channels in multicarrier schemes.