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Just don't expect any mercy if you're a complete dimbo.
The Dimbo river.
What about "Dimbo": Deals in massive bailouts?
Here and there he caught glimpses of the black, sullen Dimbo river as it twisted among the trees and crossed small patches of meadow.
Shortly after the onset of the storm, the sky opened, hurling down a wall of water that sent the Dimbo raging over its banks and flooding the field.
DUBLIN — Cork-born and proud of it, George-Jordan Dimbo is top to toe the Irish lad.
His parents, Ifedinma and Ethelbert Dimbo, are illegal immigrants from Nigeria, who brought him back to Ireland three years ago, judging it the best place to raise him.
Also on board are Ashley (Richard Madden) and Rachid (Kayvan Novak), the latter an amiable dimbo who hasn't yet mastered the job's jargon.
Driven by savage winds out of the Kavu mountains, the rains flooded the forest, and the sluggish-moving Dimbo river turned into a raging torrent that spilled over the meadows.
The former City of Tidaholm (instituted in 1910) was in 1974 amalgamated with the surrounding rural municipality Hökensås and parts of Dimbo and Fröjered.
A former graduate student in Cork, Ms. Dimbo, 42, wore a Yoruba headdress to a recent parent-student event, and has just written a feminist novel about a migrant prostitute.
With Ms. Dimbo working as a bank manager in Lagos, the family lived comfortably, but came back to Ireland twice, believing each time that George’s citizenship and their past residence gave them the right to stay.
Mr. Dimbo, 43, releases his frustrations with a daily run through the Dublin streets, and George is so unusually courteous that his sixth-grade teacher thought he was “taking the mickey”—Irish for pulling his leg.
The Synge Street School, where George Dimbo says his Hail Marys beneath a plaster Virgin, is walking distance from the city’s first mosque and rents classroom space to two Chinese academies.